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Archive for July 2016

Flightcombat chung is a 3D openGL space / air / sea / ground flight simulator written in compiled freebasic with combat against ships DCA and massive air /air /space dogfight.Give orders to your wingmens ,declare war or attack other planes,or fly in formation , refuel at airports or space stations and explore vastes satellite heightmap countries or planets by plane, spacecraft, foot or car. Can run on a small netbook with windows 7. Zipped and unzip with 7zip.


Flightcombat chung is a 3D openGL space / air / sea / ground flight simulator written in compiled freebasic with combat against ships DCA and massive air /air /space dogfight.Give orders to your wingmens ,declare war or attack other planes,or fly in formation , refuel at airports or space stations and explore vastes satellite heightmap countries or planets by plane, spacecraft, foot or car. Can run on a small netbook with windows 7. Zipped and unzip with 7zip.
(22/09/2015) added flightcombat_chung_web version with direct httpget google static maps satellite worldwide realtime ground images



Vega Strike is a 3d OpenGL Action Space Sim for Win/Lin/Mac allowing players to trade, bounty hunt, or explore in a vast universe. Vega Strike is mod ready and network playable.


Vega Strike is a 3d OpenGL Action Space Sim for Win/Lin/Mac allowing players to trade, bounty hunt, or explore in a vast universe.

Vega Strike is mod ready and network playabl


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